Creative Paths: Intuition and Agency — Mastering the Art of Creative and Authentic Living

Agency represents our capacity to act independently and make our own choices.

This power shapes our identity and guides us creatively, professionally and personally. However, beneath conscious decision-making lies a powerful undercurrent: intuition. Often thought of as a gut feeling, intuition is the subconscious guide through life's spectrum of choices. This article explores the relationship between agency and intuition and how tapping into our intuition can empower us to live more authentically and within alignment to our truest selves…and agency gives us the fortitude of not following others based on beliefs or identities.


Agency is about our choices and actions. It's a declaration of our autonomy in a world filled with external pressures and expectations. To fully exercise agency, we not only navigate the external world but also understand our inner selves.



Intuition, a deep, often unspoken understanding, guides our decisions and profoundly shapes our paths. Both agency and intuition offer a sense of liberation, a feeling of breaking free from constraints, that may not be accessible to individuals living under oppressive conditions. This is a significant aspect to consider when discussing our potential access or lack thereof to such personal freedoms. By understanding the role of agency and intuition in our lives, and how they can potentially be suppressed or ignited, we can gain a more nuanced perspective on our ability to exercise autonomy and tap into our inner truths. This perspective is vital in any discourse about the degrees of freedom we might have or not have in our personal and collective lives.

Intuition is a powerful ally.

It is the sum of our experiences, emotions, and cognitive processes, distilled into a feeling. It's the sudden clarity in a complex situation, the unexplained certainty about a decision, or the immediate sense of connection with a person or idea. Science shows that this intuitive understanding stems from the brain's ability to process information rapidly and unconsciously, drawing on vast knowledge and experience while also understanding the feeling.


agency and intuition

The relationship between agency and intuition is complex yet complementary.

Agency requires conscious decision-making, while intuition offers subtle guidance that aligns with our deepest values. By learning to listen to and trust our intuition, we can navigate life with confidence and purpose, beyond the limitations of rational thought.

Aligning intuition with agency elevates our creative process by encouraging a richer, more nuanced exploration of possibilities. This allows us to take responsibility for our personal stories that shape our experiences. Where agency gives us the courage to bring our ideas to life, intuition offers the insight to shape these ideas in ways that are innovative and deeply connected to the human experience. This alignment leads to creative solutions that are not only effective but also meaningful, offering new perspectives and understanding that can inspire and transform.

A creative spark is ignited.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
— Marianne Williamson

This spark, that is essentially an integral part of our being

Serves as a protective shield against manipulative frequencies that we may encounter in our daily lives. Transmuting the spark is not an effortless task. It requires us to keep the light and burn with air… to compassionately keep it alive, which in turn enables us to stay true to our intentions. It encourages us to create not just from a surface level, but from a deep, profound place of knowing, a place that resonates with our true selves. This process does not lend itself to the predictability of outcomes. Instead, it is a journey of feeling, of sensing, and of experiencing. The results are not forecasted, but rather they are deeply felt, providing us with an enriching and fulfilling experience.

To cultivate this deeper connection with our intuition and strengthen our agency, we must engage in practices that fosters self-awareness and reflective thinking. Mindfulness meditation, journaling, and engaging in reflective dialogue are just a few examples of how we can tune into our intuitive insights. By creating space for silence and reflection in our daily lives, we allow the subtle whispers of our intuition to emerge and guide us.



Where are you most courageous?

Describe how it feels.

Make a list of your creative passions.

What are some beliefs that hold you back from fully expressing your creativity?

What are some new pursuits that you want to discover?

What is in your heart?





A practical tool we recommend for successfully balancing intuition and agency daily. It promises to ground us at the end of each day, a time often marked by depletion or needed reflection. The examples given demonstrate the power of alignment, providing insights and simple pleasures that readers can incorporate into their daily journeys.


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