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A community for courageous conversation, participation with nature, beauty, laughter, and an indulgence of the heart.

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Leading with the heart uncovers who you are

When we strengthen the relationship to ourselves and in a collective of women, we find that creativity becomes our power.

The Voices of the Collective


In times of complex obstacles, we must rely on stories, community, the state of our nation and the health of the environment.

To address these challenges we need a new kind of response β€”

a collective that empowers women to UNITE their creative intelligence.

To be on purpose.

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Heart Ground meets us to embrace the challenges of our time.


A safe community space to be open and ask meaningful questions in collaboration and to harness the collective wisdom of women.


To explore our individual path with a deep desire to propel humanity forward by activating an awareness for truth within oneselves.

When we shift our self-authorship, we show up with a new perspective. This fresh perspective is the creative energy that is needed to propel a new future for ourselves and the world.



A co-creative and one-of-a-kind coaching experience with a woman-centered approach. This is a practice of self-discovery and designing a life with service as a renewed creative power. The result is inspired and aligned action.

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Recent Journal Entries to Inspire