A Personal Scent Psychology

Scents Abilities

Life develops in layers, presenting unexpected surprises and new discoveries. We adapt to what has been lost and found, and recall a scent from memory to guide what is to come. It is all relative.


I truly appreciate and am captivated by the ways in which a scent has the ability to transport us into realms of possibility, opening up new dimensions of our sensory experience and allowing us to truly be present in the moment. The intricacies of the various aromas and their effects on our emotions and memories are a source of constant fascination for me. In fact, I have found that the simple act of lighting a candle or applying a fragrance can have a profound impact on my mood and overall sense of well-being. The power of scent is truly remarkable, and I enjoy experimenting with the artistic expression of exploring its many nuances and benefits. Some of my personal favorite ways to connect through aroma and scents each day are shared here:

β€œSmell is the sense of memory and desire.”
— Jean-Jacques Rousseau



Scent is an integral part of my daily creative expression. I've found that lifting my spirits with fragrance is one of the easiest ways to ground myself. Whether I am at home or on the go, I always make sure to surround myself with scents that uplift and inspire me.


There are many different scents that I like to use throughout the day. In the morning, I prefer energizing scents like citrus or peppermint to help me wake up and start my day off with a bright quality. During the workday, I like to use scents that help me focus, like rosemary or eucalyptus. And at night, I like to wind down with more relaxing scents like lavender or sandelwood.

But it's not just about the specific scents I use. It's also about the act of applying fragrance itself. Taking a moment to spritz on a mist or light a scented candle is a small act of self-care that can have a big impact on my mood and mindset. By taking the time to intentionally incorporate scent into mini-moments, I am able to ground myself and set the tone for the action with play.


love notes

01 Shower Gel
02 Soap





When at home, I find that certain scents can have a profound effect on my mood and overall sense of well-being. For example, I enjoy diffusing oil that evoke positive emotions and help me connect with the present moment. Something like the burn of palo santo can transport me to a state of calm and relaxation, allowing me to let go of any worries or stresses that may have accumulated throughout the day.


I have also found that the use of essential oils can have a similar effect. At the end of the day, I will spray work and kitchen spaces with lavender, chamomile, and bergamot to help facilitate winding down and relaxation. This has become an important part of a clearing and cleaning routine, as it allows me to let go of any lingering stress and find a sense of inner peace before preparing for the day ahead and getting ready for bed.

I have found that incorporating different scent experiments into my home environment has had a positive impact on my mental and emotional well-being, helping me to feel more centered, grounded, and present. All while, I enjoy creating the pleasure of it all.


Love Notes

01 Candle
02 Linen Spray
03 Pot Pourri Set



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Heart Ground Woman β€” Harpreet Gujral DNP, FNP-BC


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