Woman-Centered Approach

observe and bring attention to the feminine aspects of being.

The feminine aspects of ourselves are either matched or not to the masculine aspects of ourselves. Most likely, they are not matched - if that were the case; humanity would not be in such a vulnerable position on planet Earth today. The collective experience would be in more harmony with the masculine and feminine meeting with a balance that is more synergistic. Understanding this balance is not always equal, but the result of our actions and this lived experience is individualized and shared at the same time. The larger world problems are some of the real life examples of the results that we either own or not - that said we can not individually solve all of these challenges on our own.  However; as we take a bigger leap into the responsibility of ourselves we open up more space that allow us the capacity to take more ownership of what happens around us.



A Conscious practice

As more and more women begin to move into a conscious practice to align both the feminine and the masculine….we find more harmony between both of these aspects as it helps us move into a relational field of support. When we experience this practice of balance with a connected self - we become more receptive. Similar to a daily habit one might participate in …like working out or meditating - we strengthen the muscles to form both a short & long term benefit of well being. As the connection to the feminine aspects become stronger, we become more receptive to what we need and want. We begin to think bigger than ourselves and realize that our interdependence is necessary for change. Attention with intention brings a softer side to surface with a woman’s centered approach to life. 




When we connect more deeply to the feminine qualities of the human experience we get closer to a relational state and begin to gain a deeper understanding of what we need…even if we think we have all of the basics figured out. There is most likely something bigger to surrender to and when we begin to approach life with a deeper connection to ourselves…we experience a process to think, act and lead with a new direction. Distractions, barriers and any limiting beliefs begin to fall away.




Getting comfortable with this extended aspect of ourselves takes time, because society has built the relational field suppressed by masculine mentalities. With a woman-centered approach it is safe to observe ourselves opening to the feminine aspects - we begin to open and feel comfortable with authentic thinking, ideas and genuine serenity. A new perspective brings a system of new meaning making and this allows more possibilities to unfold, because we find ourselves with an expanded awareness.


Imagine for a moment, the qualities of a feminine softer side.
What quality expands that feels familiar to you?


With a woman centered approach there is a felt sense with observing and taking notice.

With acceptance to balance our being in this way - it opens a frequency of power that may not have felt safe before, but as we take the time to acknowledge and align with this understanding…we get closer to the most authentic and true self.



Re-value the softer side.

A woman-centered approach


Relationship Status — Glass Half Full Finesse


Living with Purpose